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Unreal X-Reader

I just made a small app that can read Unreal log files. Here is a screenshot:


[TIP] Make Logging easier in Unreal Engine 4

In this quick tip video, we will see how to create a header file that contains macros which makes logging easier and useful. You can then include this header file in other classes and access the log macro. Finally in Editor, we will use Session Frontend to filter our logs. šŸ™‚

Hope you liked this video. šŸ™‚

[Tutorial] Disabling Log outputs in your game

Ever wondered how to remove those log outputs (ScriptWarning, Warning etc) from your game? Well i just found out a neat way to disable them.

Check this screenshot. Yeah it got a lot of warnings.

Log Warnings

Now i want to disable theĀ ErrorĀ (first one in that log),Ā ScriptLogĀ andĀ Warning. To do so, openĀ DefaultEngine.iniĀ and underĀ [Core.System]Ā add theĀ +Suppress=<LogName>Ā option. For example see the below screenshot.

Modify INI to include +Supress

Now delete UDKEngine.ini and start the game. All the specified logs will now be disabled!

After disabling:

Logs disabled