[CODE] Save your game to My Documents using DLLBind

Hello everyone 😀

In this tutorial i will tell you how to save your game to end-users My Documents folder with any file extension you want. This tutorial will make use of UDK’s DLLBind feature and to create this DLL i used C# language.

NOTE: Download includes C# source code including the DLL file + UnrealScript Files. In case you want to change anything you will need Microsoft Visual Studio Express (FREE) or above.


1: Download the above file and extract the DLL file to your UDK Installation Directory\Binaries\Win32\UserCode folder.

2: Extract SaveGameBase.uc and CustomPlayerController.uc and CustomGameInfo.uc to your UDK Installation Directory\Development\Src\MyMod\Classes folder.

3: Do a full recompile and Start UDK Game using CustomGameInfo and use the functions SaveGame and LoadGame functions.

I have commented everything in UnrealScript files. If you have any doubt feel free to ask me in the comments section. 🙂

About Satheesh (ryanjon2040)

Genuine Unreal Engine user

Posted on May 4, 2013, in Tutorials and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. I could not unfortunately;/

    1st I downloaded the file. Zip

    2nd Extract the file “SaveGame.dll” File “SaveGame_DLL.zip” and put the file. Dll in the folder “C: \ UDK \ UDK-2012-07 \ Binaries \ Win32 \ UserCode \ SaveGame.dll”

    3rd Extract the 3 files “Unreal_Script.zip” and put in the folder “C: \ UDK \ UDK-2012-07 \ Development \ Src \ MyMod \ Classes”

    4 ° I put the new folder name in the Class MyMod “DefaultEngine”, “C: \ UDK \ UDK-2012-07 \ Development \ Src \ MyMod \ Classes”

    Opening the UDK, nor asks to recompile, is what I found strange, and then go on
      “Unreal Frontend” and I compile everything.

    And does not appear in “gametype” the “CustomGameInfo”!

    What I’m doing wrong?


    • I dont understand step 4.


      • Okay. rebooted the computer and then asked to complitar oh yes .. is then the following error appears in the script “CustomPlayerController”


      • Ok .. sorry, I looked better .. and I realized it was me customize the Pawn
        Ai then I put UTPawn and it worked …
        More then I open the command “SaveGame” in the game .. and how do I do to make loadGame?

        Or need to customize anything else that works ..? Well first I want to know how it works ..
        Please appreciate the help


  2. So … ^ ^
    is just put the number in front ..
    Sorry for the string of questions ..
    the only and probably last question I need is this only serves to save the place from where the player is?
    Like, would only teletranspote a savegame?


    • Once you save your game and look at the filename you can see it adds a number to it. You have to use this number to load game. Eg: If your save game name is “SomeName_1.bin” then you have to use “LoadGame 1” inside game console to load it. I hope you understand 🙂


      • Yes I understand how it works .. moved to the folder name and file extension lol
        the more I realized it does not save the game only saves the location that the player is?


  3. the download link is not found. please check this problem


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